East is East, and West is West, (and Never the Twain Shall Meet) (2019)
A Modular Composition for Pocket Orchestra
East is East, and West is West, (and Never the Twain Shall Meet) is the full combination of all of the modules used to create this composition. There are 14 modules in total, each consisting of a different instrumentation combination which overlaps between different modules. Since the modules overlap there are various orders and combinations in which they can be performed. The three (3) solo modules are to be performed with electronics which are detailed in the technical notes. All of the modules are listed below with their instrumentation.
Shall is East the for Bass Clarinet & Electronics and is Meet) Twain for Baritone Saxophone & Electronics East, West (and Never West, for Contrabass & Electronics Meet) East for Oboe & Bass Clarinet Twain (and for Clarinet & Baritone Saxophone West, West is for Bassoon & Percussion 2 the Shall is for Horn in F & Viola East, Never and for Harp & Percussion 1 and the (and East, for Brass Quartet Meet) West, is is for String Quartet is East East, (and Shall for Reed Quintet is Never the Meet) West, for Pierrot Ensemble East is West, Twain (and Never is for l’Histoire Ensemble Ideally, the modules should be performed in some combination; however performing individual modules is possible. If the modules are being performed individually then the modules being performed should relate to each other according to this diagram. |
As an example, if you start from the Bass Clarinet and Electronics module (shall is East the) you can then perform the Oboe and Bass Clarinet module (meet) East) or the reed quintet module (is East east, (and shall).
Modules can, and should, be combined with other modules. Not every module can be combined with every other module, the following list shows all of the possible combinations of modules based upon the number of performers necessary. Using this list you can see that it is possible to combine the String Quartet module (meet) west, is is) with the Oboe & Bass Clarinet duet module (meet) East) and the Harp & Piano duet module (east, never and) to create an ensemble of eight (8) musicians. The list is followed by several graphic diagrams to help understand the combinations. If you are using the diagrams then note that all desired modules must have a direct connection
Modules can, and should, be combined with other modules. Not every module can be combined with every other module, the following list shows all of the possible combinations of modules based upon the number of performers necessary. Using this list you can see that it is possible to combine the String Quartet module (meet) west, is is) with the Oboe & Bass Clarinet duet module (meet) East) and the Harp & Piano duet module (east, never and) to create an ensemble of eight (8) musicians. The list is followed by several graphic diagrams to help understand the combinations. If you are using the diagrams then note that all desired modules must have a direct connection
# of Performers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 |
Module or Module Combination
1. Bass Clarinet & Electronics (shall is East the), 2. Baritone Saxophone & Electronics (and is meet) twain), or 3. Contrabass & Electronics (east, West (and never west,) 1. Oboe & Bass Clarinet (meet) East), 2. Clarinet & Baritone Saxophone (twain (and), 3. Bassoon & Percussion 2 (west, West is), 4. Horn in F & Viola (the shall is), 5. Harp & Percussion 1 (east, never and), Double Solo Combinations – 6,7. Bass Clarinet & Electronics + Baritone Saxophone & Electronics or Contrabass & Electronics, 8. Baritone Saxophone & Electronics + Contrabass & Electronics 1. Triple Solo Combination – 1. Bass Clarinet & Electronics + Baritone Saxophone & Electronics + Contrabass & Electronics 1. String Quartet (meet) west, is is), 2. Brass Quartet (and the (and east,), Double Duet Combinations – 3,4. Oboe & Bass Clarinet + Harp & Piano or Horn & Viola, 5,6. Clarinet & Baritone Saxophone + Harp & Piano or Horn & Viola, 7,8. Bassoon & Percussion 2 + Harp & Piano or Horn & Viola, 9. Harp & Piano + Horn & Viola 1. Reed Quintet (is East east, (and shall), 2. Pierrot Module (is never the meet) west,) Triple Duet Combinations – 1. Oboe & Bass Clarinet + Harp & Piano + Horn & Viola, 2. Harp & Piano + Clarinet & Baritone Saxophone + Horn & Viola, 3. Harp & Percussion 1 + Bassoon & Percussion 2 + Horn & Viola, 4,5,6,7. String Quartet + Harp & Percussion1 or Oboe & Bass Clarinet or Baritone Saxophone & Clarinet or Bassoon & Percussion 2, 8,9,10,11. Brass Quartet + Oboe & Bass Clarinet or Baritone Saxophone & Clarinet or Harp & Percussion 1 or Bassoon & Percussion 2 1. l’Histoire Module (East is west, twain (and never is), 2,34,5. Pierrot + Horn & Viola or Oboe & Bass Clarinet or Bassoon & Percussion 2 or Harp & Percussion 1, 6,7. Reed Quintet + Horn & Viola or Harp & Percussion 1 1. Brass Quartet + String Quartet, 2. Brass Quartet + Bassoon & Percussion 2 + Harp & Percussion 1, 3. Brass Quartet + Oboe & Bass Clarinet + Harp & Percussion 1, 4. String Quartet + Oboe & Bass Clarinet + Harp & Percussion 1, 5. String Quartet + Bassoon & Percussion 2 + Harp & Percussion 1, 6. String Quartet + Baritone Saxophone & Clarinet + Harp & Percussion 1 1,2. Reed Quintet + String Quartet or Brass Quartet, Pierrot + Brass Quartet, 3. Pierrot + Horn & Viola + Oboe & Bass Clarinet, 4. Pierrot + Oboe & Bass Clarinet + Harp & Percussion 1, 5. Pierrot + Horn & Viola + Harp & Percussion 1, 6. Reed Quintet + Horn & Viola + Harp & Percussion 1, 7,8. l’Histoire + Horn & Viola or Oboe & Bass Clarinet 1,2,3. Brass Quartet + String Quartet + Oboe & Bass Clarinet or Bassoon & Percussion 2 or Baritone Saxophone & Clarinet 1. l’Histoire + Reed Quintet, 2. l’Histoire + Horn & Viola + Oboe & Bass Clarinet, 3. Pierrot + Harp & Percussion 1 + Oboe & Bass Clarinet + Horn & Viola, 4,5. Reed Quintet + Harp & Piano + Brass Quartet or String Quartet, 6,7. Pierrot + Brass Quartet + Harp & Percussion 1 or Bassoon & Percussion 2 1,2,3. Brass Quartet + String Quartet + Harp & Percussion 1 + Bassoon & Percussion 2 or Baritone Saxophone & Clarinet or Oboe & Bass Clarinet 1. Reed Quintet + Brass Quartet + String Quartet, 2,3. Pierrot + Brass Quartet + Harp & Percussion 1 + Bassoon & Percussion 2 0r Oboe & Bass Clarinet 1. Reed Quintet + Brass Quartet + String Quartet + Harp & Percussion 1 1. Full Sinfonietta (East is East, and West is West, (and Never the Twain Shall Meet) |